Japanese, Korean, Latinas Waiting for you!!!
Kauai - Bodyrubs
Pretty, Sexy, Everything You Want.. Real Beauty!
BeST MaSSaGE in HaWaii cOULd BE COmiNG to KAUAI BaSEd oN PREbookED Appointments * 01/23-01/25 - 27
💞Sexy body Rubdown! 🌴🌋 - 33
Relax in the garden of eden- paradise awaits - 99
------> Real SATISFYING Full Body Massage, Openings Today! <------ - 24
Sensual Serenity is back!!!! For one month only indulge in my top notch service!!! - 100
Amazing Skills *:* One of a Kind Beauty
Pleasurable Massage - 29
Come Find me If you Can!!! - 22
Need Money to Fund my Modeling Career
💋 Sexy, fun and a pretty good massage too! - 26
♥♥College Coed in Town. Trying to pay tuition!♥♥
Meet Cindy, only in town for a month!!!